Bob Maxey Ford of Howell

May 13, 2022
ford mustang headlights

Good, working headlights are essential for driving in low or bad visibility. They’ll allow you to see, and be seen, in poor visibility situations. They are also a legal requirement, and it’s an offense to drive without functioning headlights. As your Ford dealer, we repair any light problem, and if you need new headlights, we can fit those too. These are a few signs your headlights need to be replaced.

Flickering Bulbs

If your headlights start flickering, this means that they are going to blow very soon. It’s time to replace your bulbs. Depending on the type of bulbs you choose, your lights can last anything from 500 to 30,000 hours. If only one bulb is flickering, we still advise that both bulbs be replaced. Bulbs are fitted in pairs, and if one is replaced, you’ll likely have to return in a few days to replace the second.

For your safety and to fulfill legal requirements, it’s important to change flickering light bulbs ASAP. Bulbs are very cheap, and we can install them quickly.

Dim Lights

Dim headlights can mean that your bulbs are about to fail. They could also be a sign that you have a damaged alternator. Your alternator supplies the power for all of your electrical components, including the headlights. When an alternator gets older, it cant provide all the power it once did. This results in an electrical shortfall.

Your car’s computer will try and balance the lack of electricity by shifting power between components according to need. When you switch on the lights, they will be dim as they’re being allocated just enough power to work. If your lights suddenly go bright after being dim, your alternator needs to be replaced.

Frequent Bulb Failures

As mentioned, bulbs have a limited life. If you have to frequently replace your bulbs, this is a sign that something is wrong. There may be a short or other problem with the wiring, or there may be corrosion in one or both of the headlight sockets. It could also be another sign of a weakening alternator, as your bulbs require a constant, consistent power supply.

Our technicians will check the wiring and sockets, and we’ll find and repair the problem.

Broken Lens

The lenses on the headlights protect the bulbs and the internal electrical wiring from water, dirt, and any other contaminants. These lenses can be damaged, and either crack or break. If a lens breaks, water could get into the headlight and short out the electrical wiring. Cracked or broken lenses are very unappealing. They are also a traffic violation as they reduce your visibility.

If you experience any problems with your headlights, call our service department right away at Bob Maxey Ford – Howell. Our expert technicians can repair any problem with your headlights or electrical system quickly and easily. We also have original replacement parts available, and we can offer a variety of replacement bulbs to suit your needs.

Image by Matthias Böckel from Pixabay